40 Books In 40 Weeks
Intellectual Curiosity | Self Improvement | Business Knowledge
One of the ways Delta’s bookshelves inspired me this year since joining in February was to set a personal reading goal. I hit that goal this week: Read 40 Books in 40 Weeks. I learned a ton about the way Delta runs, and it’s amazing to see how bits and pieces of just about every book on those shelves somehow play a role in building a successful business.
Our CEO Tim Schmidt isn’t kidding when he talks about the treasures hidden in those books. Sometimes all it takes is finding that one passage or one idea in a $20 book that’s worth a million bucks. (That’s a little nod to the 10X Rule by Grant Cardone.)
Thanks to Delta, I built up a sort of personal Library of books I’ve read, and a growing “AntiLibrary” of books I have yet to read. It’s really humbling when you stack it all up and see that there is so much more out there to understand, and so little time to get to it all. But we still need to try our best to stay “intellectually curious”.
Instead of just “reading” books though, I should say I let them soak them in. I prefer video for learning or at least audio when that’s not possible.
But sometimes nothing compares to cracking open a book and turning the pages while kicking back on the couch. A hybrid approach.
But life is busy and I’m frequently traveling between home, work, the hospital, kid’s school, wherever. So one of the ways I overcame the challenge of hitting that personal goal was to use Audible. It’s fantastic for listening and absorbing as much information as possible — turning otherwise idle time in the car or time at the gym into something productive for the mind.
I’m hoping that this list helps other people. At this doc, you’ll find a list of books that I read and purchased, along with their author. If you’re not already a member of Audible, you get the first book free! I encourage you to give it a try.
But I’ll warn you, consuming books by Audible is like eating Pringles. Once you start, you may never want to stop. Cheers & Enjoy! 💛🖤💛 Book List: 40 Books In 40 Weeks
Now with 19 years of experience, Dan Emmons strives to make issues that seem complex, overwhelming, or insurmountable more manageable for the Team, and to provide exceptional service that exceeds clients’ expectations. For more information, contact him on LinkedIn or through Emmonspired LLC.